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Active, Healthy and Happy Children - WITH FITZY AND ME!

Free Fitzy downloads available - Fitzy membership, sticker templates and more!
There will be a series of Fitzy children's stories and they will all aim to help and encourage young children lead more active and healthy lives.
The stories will follow the adventures of 6 main characters, namely Matthew, Ben, Emily, Sahid, Jasmin and Archie. The children made friends at nursery and they all live close to each other and near Fitzy.
There are 3 main themes to the series;
1. Fitzy helping children to learn the key movement skills that underpin most sports & activities
2. Fitzy helping children to develop health literacy
3. Fitzy helping children to make positive lifestyle choices
The first story is called 'Fitzy Helps Emily Learn to Catch' and the second is 'Fitzy Helps Ben and Sahid Shoot to Success'. The books include tips and ideas for teaching children how to catch and kick and the stories will motivate children to try and copy what Fitzy says and does.
Book 3 is the first of the health literacy stories, 'Fitzy Helps Ben Find his Smile'. The book is about dental hygiene and encourages children to brush their teeth.
Book four ' Fitzy helps Archie Jump out of Trouble'. Fitzy takes reluctant Archie to join the gymnastic club to try and channel his energy in a positive way. It is about teaching children jumping and hopping skills.
Book five, 'Fitzy helps Jasmin Grow her 5 a Day' is the first of the lifestyle stories. It encourages children to grow and eat their own fruit and veg. Book six is encouraging parents and carers to ditch the car and try active travel to school with their children. More fun and healthier too!
There are key fundamental motor/movement skills that once mastered, mean that as a child gets older they can confidently consider taking part in a wide range of sports and activities. The Fitzy stories will focus on 7 movement skills, namely the run, jump, throw, catch, kick, bounce and strike/hit. If, for example, you can run, throw and catch, you can play netball or rugby. Add a strike and you can play cricket etc - the list of sports is a long one. The important thing is to learn these skills at an early age to foster a 'can do' attitude. Things are way more fun when you are successful.
A simple explanation is that health literacy enables people to make informed decisions about their health, which in turn helps them maintain their health and wellbeing. Therefore, it seems logical to start introducing children to health literacy, so that they can begin to understand how to care for themselves and how to ask for help when needed. The 3 Health Literacy Fitzy stories will cover a visit to the Dentist, the Doctor and the Hospital. For more information on Health Literacy visit
Lifestyle tends to be habitual, so the easy solution is to make children as active and healthy as possible from the start. Research published by the Government in 2015 said that if girls were not habitually active by the age of seven, then it would be less likely for them to engage in physical activity as they got older. Fitzy stories will include active travel to nursery/school, growing your own veg, the benefits of being active outside for mental health and more.
Tag Fitzy on Instagram to help celebrate your child's achievements Helen Moors qualified as a Physical Education teacher at Loughborough University in 1982. Since then, she has worked in education and unusually has worked with all key stages from KS1 through to Primary PGCE students.
Fitzy and Me - helping children to be active, healthy and happy
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